Creating hybrid experiences at the fringes of video games and performance
Lost in Transition
“Lost in Transition – written and directed by Mona Bozdog (from Romania), performed by Nikoletta Thoma (from Greece) – comes when immigration is a flashpoint for social and political schism. in a long, thin room in the arches basement – the floor taped into a hopscotch bed, the set a scattering of furniture – Thoma took us succinctly through Bozdog’s past. However this is not just her personal history, it’s also Romania’s. Within the family anecdotes and factual asides are her reasons for migrating. So too are the realities of being a voiceless stranger in another country. Thought-provoking, affecting and yet unhistrionic.”
Mary Brennan, The Herald, 13/10/2014
Lost in Transition
Written & Directed by Mona Bozdog
Performed by Nikoletta Thoma
Dramaturgy by John Bruin
Lost in Transition is an immersive journey into the loss of identity and language, looking at what is means to be a Romanian immigrant in present-day Britain. 25 years after Romania’s first major transition, the confused generation that got lost in post-communist Romania’s transition to democracy is lost once more, as 2 million immigrants- country-less and language-less- wander Europe in search of a better life.
Lost in Transition looks at Romania’s “decretei” – children of Ceausescu’s 770 Decree that forbade contraception and abortions. These children, Romanian citizens, now between the ages of 25 and 47, lived through numerous transitions – from communism to democracy, from trying to make a home in Romania to trying to make a home abroad, from highly-skilled to illegal and un-skilled labour, from speaking Romanian to dreaming in English. More than one million decretei have emigrated from Romania in search of a better life. This is the story of one in many.
Lost in Transition looks beyond the beautiful façade of diversity and into the struggles of a Romanian immigrant in Scotland while raising the obvious yet forgotten question of “What makes us stay here despite….”
More than one million decretei have emigrated from Romania in search of a better life. This is the story of one in many.
Developed with the support of Arches Live.
Arches and Summerhall Autopsy Award Winner.
Presented at:
Arches Live, October, 2014.
Summerhall, Edinburgh Fringe Festival. August, 2015